How you know you get the kids you’re raising


How you know my kids are brilliant:

Flora: Who invented swearing?

Cinder: Shakespeare.

How you know I’m kind of insufferable:

Jane: Actually, it was probably the first caveman who ever dropped a large stone on his big toe.

How you know my kids take it in stride:

Flora: Mom, not everything has to be about evolution.

Cinder: Shakespeare invented the word “puke.” That beats “ugh ugh ugh my toe” hands down.

How you know that they are just as annoying as your kids; maybe more:

Ender: Cinder! You suck! You suck, suck, suck, suck, suck! You all suck. Except me. I! Do! Not! Suck!

Cinder: Are you sure, Ender? Are you really, really sure?

An Interlude for Blogosphere love:

1. The inimitable Julie DeNeed at Life According to Julie 2.0 1) invented the most awesome new blogging award and awarded it to Nothing By The Book and five other bloggers way funnier than me. But the reason you should meander over to her blog and read that particular post is because you will never, ever be able to think of  elevators in churches the same way again. Enough said. Just… go.

2. While I wasn’t paying attention, Nothing By The Book clicked over the 100 mark and how has 110 Facebook fans. Sweet! Thank you. And welcome! And as I do not have 110 mothers, I know at least some of you like NBTB purely on merit and not as a result of consanguineal or affineal obligation. Score for me.

3. I’m scaling down to one or two posts a week these days. Which means I’m only visiting your blogs once or twice a week. Because the sun is coming out and I’m Vitamin-D deprived. But I’m still reading. Especially you. You know who you are.

P.S. In purely personal and irrelevant news, I’m cutting off the last bits of platinum blonde, and crowd-sourcing a new hair colour. What do you want to see? Blonde, brunette, or redhead? Flora’s voting pink…

And if you didn’t read Tuesday’s post, unLessons from The Posse, get thee over there now. It’s one of the best things I’ve written in a while.





25 thoughts on “How you know you get the kids you’re raising

  1. Your kids are hilarious! And I love it that you are cutting back your writing and reading, especially since the weather is (finally) getting nice. I am taking Fridays off now, and today I might crawl into bed with a book at naptime. Imagine??! 😉 xo

    Oh, and I think pink would be awesome. 😉

  2. consanguineal or affineal obligation….I have no idea what those words mean but I am certainly not following you out of obligation….I love your blog Jane! I actually do learn things from your blog….I had no idea Shakespeare made up the word puke! Yeah!!

  3. I love that I often have to run to the arms of during the course of reading your stuff. I will probably never come across consanguineal or affineal again. Phooey. And you’ve probably already colored it by now, but my vote is pink. As much as I’d like to buck the trend, I have to agree with the crowd. (But I must say that I was pretty wow’ed with the platinum.) xo

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